Our program focuses on providing a secure, warm and accepting atmosphere that will assist children in all aspects of their development during these important years.The children experience close and caring supervision at all times by well-trained and nurturing adults.
Maria Montessori once said, “One test of the correctness of the educational procedure is the happiness of the child.”
Our program provides a carefully structured time organized with the aim of fostering consideration, courtesy and respect for the rights of others ensuring a harmonious and nurturing environment for all.
Often, children who do not do things for themselves simply do not know how or have not been given the chance. By observing your child closely, providing just the right lesson at the right moment your child is allowed to practice again and again (and again!) until it is mastered. Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities in an atmosphere of patience, trust and respect.
Your child has a natural drive to be independent which we encourage by creating an environment where everything is just the right size for her to do things on her own. Child sized tools that fit tiny hands allow her to prepare a snack and serve it to friends. A miniature broom empowers her to clean up on her own. She is taught the skills of self-care and toilet training. Your child learns a set of concrete life skills and self-confidence – but, more importantly, develops the belief that she can choose to make a genuine impact on her world.
Often, children who do not do things for themselves simply do not know how or have not been given the chance. By observing your child closely, providing just the right lesson at the right moment your child is allowed to practice again and again (and again!) until it is mastered. Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities in an atmosphere of patience, trust and respect.
Often, children who do not do things for themselves simply do not know how or have not been given the chance. By observing your child closely, providing just the right lesson at the right moment your child is allowed to practice again and again (and again!) until it is mastered. Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities in an atmosphere of patience, trust and respect.
Our students grow together into a close-knit, caring community. When children work, learn and grow together, they learn much more than any of them could learn alone!
Making friends and learning how to function within a community is a life-shaping experience for your child. Your child emerges with strong friendships that will continue as she moves through the rest of the programs in Montessori.
We surround your child with rich and stimulating conversation to support this once-in-a-lifetime period of rapid language development. Your child’s mind effortlessly absorbs the new vocabulary, which plants the seeds for reading, writing and self-expression in the future.
Many early childhood programs are chaotic and overwhelming so parents are often surprised to see the peaceful tone of our toddler community. The calm atmosphere and lack of distraction helps your child develop impulse control and concentration, planting the seeds for learning in this classroom and beyond. Our beautiful environment is arranged so that orderliness and the means to achieve it are easily apparent to each child. Everything is designed so the child can be successful in learning to work and play.
The Toddler Community is a safe, child-centered environment both inside and outside; there are so many things to see, touch, hear, feel and do . Beautiful materials that stimulate your child’s senses are rotated frequently on low shelves to pique your child’s curiosity. Children are encouraged to move freely around, to choose activities, explore their own interests and seek their own answers. Children are free to interact with each other, work together or to be by themselves.
The Home Environment Room (HER) is a nurturing, homelike environment offered to a limited number of Northwood families who need care for their children before and/or after the Montessori classroom. Every effort is made to carry over the principles of the Montessori classrooms into the Home Environment Room so that each child experiences continuity in approach as well as a restful, comfortable atmosphere. Music, art, cooking, gardening, inside and outside play opportunities are a small sample of the activities included in the child’s day.
Northwood Montessori School
Northwood Montessori School